Friday, December 12, 2014

First Snow

"The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of world, and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment, where is it to be found?" J.B.Priestley

We've been having erratic weather that alternates between a couple of days of summer sun and a couple of days gloomy fall. Fall can be quite pretty but when you're alone overseas, it can seem abit lonely. People say Canada just has two seasons, Summer and Winter. Fall was just.. those couple of days when the leaves became red, then yellow overnight. 

Anyway! One morning, I opened the window and fine precipitation fell. This was mid-november and I was sure it was autumn rain again. The falling precipitation however, did not leave a water stain. I took a second look. 

OH MY GOODNESS. It's snow!!! :D I didn't know what to say except exclaim exclaim and exclaim! I've seen snow before but 1. On most trips, it wasn't fresh snow (Japan & Zermatt), 2. It may have fell but it alternated between hail, rain and snow (Italy). To see this amount of fresh snow falling was a first time for me :) It's so pretty!! Winter is so whimsical :) I felt all my dreams coming true! Love it when it snows :)   

Queensu - Jean Royce Hall

I enjoyed the summer but really, all I came to Canada for was the snow. Finally its winter! I've always loved winter :) Having lived 21 years in tropical Singapore, I looked forward to winter from the very first day I arrived in Canada during the summer. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side huh? Haha. 

I do love Singapore along with all her food, scorching sunny days and tropical rainstorms. But, I guess we always appreciate a change sometimes. :) I LOVE WINTERRR!! Okay. Shall stop annoying you with the same phrase over and over again. I LOVE SNOW! (Even after I've experiences NYC's dirty snow, I still love snow!) :)  

I went to Canada without a scarf and was really disappointed that Kingston didn't have global brands. :( So when I went to Montreal, I got myself this much needed Zara scarf while shopping through the underground labyrinth of shops. YAY! It's long I know, esp for my height. I'm quite tall in asia but not really here. I can however wrap it round and round to cover my cheeks from the cold air :) YAY :)

Into the Snow I go! (With my Brolly)
I had curled my hair prior to leaving my hall. Wasn't gonna have my efforts go to waste so I opened my brolly.Felt quite silly because I'd imagine no one would do that. Thankfully, there was no soul in sight so I could do what I want without being judged. Hee.

Was meeting the friends for brunch at Windmills down Princess Street. We began eating out more often because we suddenly realized we didn't have much time left in Kingston.

Waiting for the Buses that leave St. Lawrence College to come pick me :)
Waiting for the trusty Kingston buses to pick me up :) So far they've only failed me once on a Sunday (the 1 bus and hour day) which is quite good. Oh yes, did I mention? Bus rides in Kingston are free for Queen's students! Friends on exchange in Toronto spend close to $100 a month on transport. So glad Kingston's a university town :) (Okay fine, city.)

Dontcha think those footprints are cute? :)

Been standing still.
Red skin :/ Frost-bite potential. Note to self: Time to put on some boots!

Saw this snowman outside Windmills and took a photo with it! Later, I found out that the guys were responsible for this haha. The night before, Georgina stayed over at Markland with the rest after a movie :) So they all came together experiencing the snow together.

Had the Smoked salmon egg benedict for breakkie! It came with a serving of square cut double fried chips :) NOMS. The holladaise sauce, smoked salmon and english muffin was yummy as well! But the most important thing, the one most people look forward to is the oozy goodness from the poached egg. :( Sadly, when cut open it was just a hard boiled egg. Disappointing :( 

I've heard many good reviews about this place tho. Some even recommend this place as the best brunch restaurant in Singapore. I believe it's just a one-off bad day for the restaurant maybe they were suddenly packed due to the snow outside. 

Who care's about a badly made poached egg? ITS SNOWING!!! After this, we went to have crepes at the Geneva Crepe place round the corner (view that post here). Later in the night, it's Santa Parade! How apt, the first day of snowfall is the day when we get Santa! Stay tuned for that post! (Post live now here!)

Smiling weirdly cos its Snowing!