Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Why Go On Exchange?

Seeing as NTU has started sending information about exchange information sessions, I thought I should write a post about why I wanted to go on exchange, and why you should too.

1. To see the world

The world is your oyster. There's no better time to see the world now. When you're young, energetic, free and have a spirit of exploration :) GEM Explorer (NTU's exchange programme) is quite aptly named. Haha.

2. To experience what its like to be independent

We seldom ever do grocery shopping, our parents provide everything and food is always around. But in a quiet Canadian Town in the winter, it may be difficult to have your food craving satisfied. You'll definitely need to buy groceries else you won't have breakfast the next day, or snacks for tea. Its fun though, I enjoyed grocery shopping and it made me appreciate my mummy more :)

We're too pampered here in our comfort zone. Our tolerance for buses is at the limit of 15mins but overseas, buses run on a fixed schedule. So you either catch it or you catch the next one coming in an hour's time. It made me more discipline :)

It gets cold there during winter. You wont have anyone to nag at you; ikr we take nagging for granted too. You've gotta check the weather before leaving home and ensure you're dressed properly, else you'll be full of regret when you're walking in the snow only in your pullover :/

All these experiences helped me feel more independent and helped me appreciate things more.

3. To travel alone, think and reflect

When you travel alone, you learn to read maps, know where to find food, see many beautiful things, meet many helpful people. Being in a different environment enables you to look at things from a different perspective.

4. To meet new people

Do you know you're more approachable when you're alone? People are more friendly and more willing to speak to you as compared to when you're in a group. This usually makes for an interesting convo with locals. And that's the point :) To meet new people, speak to them, make friends :)

I lived in hall overseas. It was fortunate that I was placed on an exchange student floor and it was an enriching experience making new friends with people from all cultures :) We're all so different and yet the same :)

5. To clear modules

Do you know, if you can clear your difficult modules overseas, those you doubt you'll score well, your grade will be transferred back as Pass/Fail = Satisfactory/Ungraded? So you've just gotta pass it, there's no pressure to ace it!

Information found in your Degree Audit (for NTU Students)

I heard about a limited amount of credits you can clear overseas and I was quite worried that if I over-cleared, the credits will not be transferred back and I'd have to retake those courses in NTU. But I had no issues with that cos I cleared 19 AUs only overseas as Ontario universities seem to only allow us to clear max 5 modules. I think if you're going for a semester you should have no problem. Do calculate and check the info above should you be going for an entire year. And yes , there are full year exchange programmes offered but are subjected to change each year.

6. To freeze your cGPA

Related to the point above. Your grades are transferred back as S/U so just make sure you pass it! I managed to pass all my modules despite travelling during the sem (means incomplete notes - they use a chalkboard for class) So don't worry, just mug hard. However, if you're doing post doctorate courses you'll have to be more on the ball. I've heard of cases where ppl go to Sweden and courses are matched as Masters or higher levels and they didn't manage to pass. So, just make sure to pass!

Well of course there are many more reasons why you should go, but these are the important few.

For NTU students: Next GEM info Sessions
14 August 10:30am - 12:00pm LT19A
15 August 1:30pm - 3:00pm LT22

Application closes on 18th of August 2014.

I spent some time creating an excel sheet to help you in your decision making process. You don't have to be an NTU student, NUS/SMU students can use it as well.

All the best!

Here's the excel sheet I made for you guys!