Painstakingly went through the process of editing this clip to be 15s long, converting it to an mp4 file, transferring it to dropbox, downloading it into my iphone, downloading square-ready, only to find that it cannot be posted to instagram.
It seems that IG can only upload videos that are filmed and editted on the iphone. Which is horrible! Nobody likes to work on such a small screen with thick fingers. :( I wish IG would do something about the video formats and make it more accessible for people.
In any case, here is a video of a regular winter day in Kingston cut to 15s. The Kingston Transit is the only public transport available in Kingston and its use is free for all Queens students on presenting their matriculation card. How awesome is that! Made this video because the cold weather in Singapore yesterday reminded me of winter! It had been raining all day and was so cold.
A typical winter's day:
wind, snow, snowflakes, empty roads, vehicle trails, a little glass bus stop, and the timely bus :)