I don't remember the exact price but I know its affordable. Maybe around 4USD for the regular size? Yups :) And its really worth it cos the price you pay is for a cup's worth of yoghurt but you get to add any type of toppings and in any amount, till the cup is full. :) WHEE :)
Tried my very first Pink Berry in NYC and it was so awesome! The taste of the yoghurt is much lighter and less sour compared to the kind froyo places in Singapore offer. It tasted light but at the same time it didn't lose that creamy texture yoghurt has. And there are so many froyos to choose from! They have seasonal flavours which are always interesting to try! I do like the original best though because it matches well with everything and it has a pleasant taste.
They have a wide variety of toppings, from cakes, to nuts, to chocolate, candy even. Many interesting ones like brownies and cheesecake bites but my fav has gotta be that icky sticky gooey marshmallow topping.
Oh yes. and All Pink Berries have free wifi. Just ask the staff and you'll be able to enjoy your dessert while planning your next destination.
Frozen Yoghurt: Original
Toppings: Chocolate Brownie, Milk Chocolate coated Crunchy Chocolate Balls, Blueberries, Smarties
Frozen Yoghurt: Chocolate
Toppings: Bananas, Almond flakes, Granola bits
Frozen Yoghurt: Chocolate Hazelnut
Toppings: Bananas, Marshmallow, Cheesecake Bites
Testing Greek Yoghurt
Frozen Yoghurt: Salted Caramel
Toppings: Coconut, Crunchy Chocolate Balls, Cheesecake Bites
This one had its top 'cut off' cos my sis went downstairs to takeaway for me. Got to enjoy my last cup of froyo before returning home!
Frozen Yoghurt: Mandarin
Toppings: Raspberries, Coconut, Blueberries
5 cups of Pinkberries for 12 days in NYC. Thats almost one cup every 2 days. That's how addictive it is! Go try it!